HMS Dorothea (1818)

HMS Dorothea, commanded by David Buchan, accompanied by HMS Trent (commanded by John Franklin), set out to cross the NorthWest Passage via the North Pole. They got only as far as Spitzbergen before being stopped by the ice.

The reported their observations in A Voyage of Discovery Towards the North Pole: Performed in His Majesty’s Ships Dorothea and Trent, Under the Command of Captain David Buchan, R.N.; 1818; to which is Added, a Summary of All the Early Attempts to Reach the Pacific by Way of the Pole.

Transcribed observations

Conversion script


# Process digitised logbook data from the Dorothea into
#  IMMA records.

use strict;
use warnings;
use IMMA;
use Getopt::Long;
use FindBin;
use Date::Calc qw(Add_Delta_Days);

use MarineOb::lmrlib
  qw(rxltut ixdtnd rxnddt fxtftc fxtrtc fxmmmb fxeimb fwbptc fwbpgv fxbfms ix32dd);
use MarineOb::declination qw(magnetic_to_true);
use MarineOb::WindTerms qw(WordsToBeaufort);

my $Ship_name  = 'Dorothea ';
my $Last_lon   = 0;
my $Last_lon_f = 'e';
my $Last_lat   = 62;
my $Last_lat_f = 'n';
my $Last_wind_d;

while ( my $Line = <> ) {
    unless ( $Line =~ /^55/ ) { next; }
    my $Ob = new IMMA;
    $Ob->clear();    # Why is this necessary?
    push @{ $Ob->{attachments} }, 0;
    my @Fields = split /\t/, $Line;

    $Ob->{YR} = $Fields[4];
    $Ob->{MO} = $Fields[5];
    $Ob->{DY} = $Fields[6];
    if ( defined( $Fields[7] ) && $Fields[7] =~ /^(\d\d):/ ) {
        $Ob->{HR} = $1;
    if ( $Ob->{HR} == 0 ) {    # 24, not 0
        ( $Ob->{YR}, $Ob->{MO}, $Ob->{DY} ) =
          Add_Delta_Days( $Ob->{YR}, $Ob->{MO}, $Ob->{DY}, 1 );

    # Latitudes - observations for preference
    if ( defined( $Fields[19] ) && $Fields[19] =~ /\d/ ) {
        $Ob->{LAT} = $Fields[19];
        if ( defined( $Fields[20] ) && $Fields[20] =~ /\d/ ) {
            $Ob->{LAT} += $Fields[20] / 60;
        if ( defined( $Fields[22] ) ) {
            $Last_lat_f = lc( $Fields[22] );

    elsif ( defined( $Fields[23] ) && $Fields[23] =~ /\d/ ) {
        $Ob->{LAT} = $Fields[23];
        if ( defined( $Fields[24] ) && $Fields[24] =~ /\d/ ) {
            $Ob->{LAT} += $Fields[24] / 60;
        if ( defined( $Fields[26] ) ) {
            $Last_lat_f = lc( $Fields[26] );

    if ( defined( $Ob->{LAT} ) && $Last_lat_f =~ /s/ ) {
        $Ob->{LAT} *= -1;

    # Longitudes - chronometer for preference
    if ( defined( $Fields[27] ) && $Fields[27] =~ /\d/ ) {
        $Ob->{LON} = $Fields[27];
        if ( defined( $Fields[28] ) && $Fields[28] =~ /\d/ ) {
            $Ob->{LON} += $Fields[28] / 60;
        if ( defined( $Fields[30] ) && $Fields[30] =~ /[eEwW]/ ) {
            $Last_lon_f = lc( $Fields[30] );
    elsif ( defined( $Fields[31] ) && $Fields[31] =~ /\d/ ) {
        $Ob->{LON} = $Fields[31];
        if ( defined( $Fields[32] ) && $Fields[32] =~ /\d/ ) {
            $Ob->{LON} += $Fields[32] / 60;
        if ( defined( $Fields[34] ) && $Fields[34] =~ /[eEwW]/ ) {
            $Last_lon_f = lc( $Fields[34] );
    if ( defined( $Ob->{LON} ) && $Last_lon_f =~ /w/ ) {
        $Ob->{LON} *= -1;
    if ( defined( $Ob->{LAT} ) || defined( $Ob->{LON} ) ) {
        $Ob->{LI} = 4;    # Deg+Min position precision
    if (   ( !defined( $Ob->{LON} ) || !defined( $Ob->{LAT} ) )
        && defined( $Fields[35] )
        && $Fields[35] =~ /\w/ )
        my ( $Lat, $Lon ) = position_from_port( $Fields[35] );
        unless ( defined( $Ob->{LAT} ) ) { $Ob->{LAT} = $Lat; $Ob->{LI} = 4; }
        unless ( defined( $Ob->{LON} ) ) { $Ob->{LON} = $Lon; $Ob->{LI} = 4; }

    # Convert ob date and time to UTC
    if (   defined($Last_lon)
        && defined( $Ob->{HR} )
        && defined( $Ob->{DY} )
        && defined( $Ob->{MO} )
        && defined( $Ob->{YR} ) )
        my $elon = $Last_lon;
        if ( $elon < 0 ) { $elon += 360; }
        my ( $uhr, $udy ) = rxltut(
            $Ob->{HR} * 100,
            ixdtnd( $Ob->{DY}, $Ob->{MO}, $Ob->{YR} ),
            $elon * 100
        $Ob->{HR} = $uhr / 100;
        ( $Ob->{DY}, $Ob->{MO}, $Ob->{YR} ) = rxnddt($udy);
    else { $Ob->{HR} = undef; }

    # Pressure converted from inches
    if ( defined( $Fields[12] ) && $Fields[12] =~ /\d/ && $Fields[12] != -999 )
        $Ob->{SLP} = fxeimb( $Fields[12] );

    # Temperature correction
    if (   defined( $Ob->{SLP} )
        && defined( $Fields[13] )
        && $Fields[13] =~ /\d/
        && $Fields[13] != -999 )
        $Ob->{SLP} += fwbptc( $Ob->{SLP}, fxtftc( $Fields[13] ) );

    # Gravity correction
    if ( defined( $Ob->{SLP} ) && defined($Last_lat) ) {
        $Ob->{SLP} += fwbpgv( $Ob->{SLP}, $Last_lat, 2 );

    # Temperatures converted from Farenheit
    if ( defined( $Fields[14] ) && $Fields[14] =~ /\d/ && $Fields[14] != -999 )
        $Ob->{AT} = fxtftc( $Fields[14] );
    if ( defined( $Fields[11] ) && $Fields[11] =~ /\d/ && $Fields[11] != -999 )
        $Ob->{SST} = fxtftc( $Fields[11] );

    # Wind force
    if ( defined( $Fields[16] ) && $Fields[16] =~ /(\w+)/ ) {
        my $WindE = $Fields[16];
        $WindE =~ s/westerly\s+//;                        # delete unwanted term
        $WindE =~ s/Light and variable airs/light airs/;
        $WindE =~ s/Light variable airs/light airs/;
        $WindE =~ s/Light variable winds/light winds/;
        $WindE =~ s/^[aA]\s+//;
        my $Force;
        if ( $WindE =~ /(\w+)\s+(\w+)/ ) {
            $Force = WordsToBeaufort( $1, $2 );
        else {
            $Force = WordsToBeaufort($WindE);
        if ( defined($Force) ) {
            if ( $Force == -1 ) {
                warn "Unknown wind force term $Fields[16]";
            else {
                $Ob->{W}  = fxbfms($Force);    # Beaufort -> m/s
                $Ob->{WI} = 5;                 # Beaufort force

    # Wind direction
    if ( defined( $Fields[8] ) && $Fields[8] =~ /\S/ ) {
        my $Dirn = $Fields[8];
        $Dirn =~ s/b/x/;
        $Dirn = sprintf "%-4s", uc($Dirn);
        if ( $Dirn eq 'CALM' || $Dirn eq 'CALMS' ) {
            $Ob->{D} = 361;
        elsif ( $Dirn eq 'VARIAXLE' ) {
            $Ob->{D} = 362;
        else {
            ( $Ob->{D}, undef ) = ix32dd($Dirn);
            if ( defined( $Ob->{D} ) ) {
                $Ob->{DI} = 1;    # 32-point compass
            else {
                warn "Unknown wind direction $Dirn - $Fields[8]";

    # Only bother with the record if it contains a position or some met obs.
    unless ( defined( $Ob->{LAT} )
        || defined( $Ob->{LON} )
        || defined( $Ob->{AT} )
        || defined( $Ob->{SST} )
        || defined( $Ob->{SLP} )
        || defined( $Ob->{D} )
        || defined( $Ob->{W} )
        || defined( $Ob->{DPT} ) )

    # Fill in extra metadata
    $Ob->{IM}   = 0;
    $Ob->{ATTC} = 1;            # supplemental
    $Ob->{TI}   = 0;            # Nearest hour time precision
    $Ob->{DS}   = undef;        # Unknown course
    $Ob->{VS}   = undef;        # Unknown speed
    $Ob->{NID}  = undef;
    $Ob->{II}   = 10;
    $Ob->{ID}   = $Ship_name;
    $Ob->{C1}   = '03';         # UK recruited
    if (   defined( $Ob->{AT} )
        || defined( $Ob->{WBT} )
        || defined( $Ob->{DPT} )
        || defined( $Ob->{SST} ) )
        $Ob->{IT} = 4;          # Temps in degF and 10ths

    # Add the original record as a supplemental attachment
    push @{ $Ob->{attachments} }, 99;
    $Ob->{ATTE} = undef;
    $Ob->{SUPD} = $Line;

    $Ob->write( \*STDOUT );


# Get a position from a port name
sub position_from_port {
    my $Name = lc(shift);
    if ( $Name =~ /hakluyt head/ ) {
        return ( 79.78, 10.8 );
    if ( $Name =~ /vogel sang/ ) {
        return ( 79.85, 11.33 );
    if ( $Name =~ /grey hook/ ) {
        return ( 79.81, 14.55 );
    if ( $Name =~ /cloven cliff/ ) {
        return ( 79.85, 11.48 );
    if ( $Name =~ /smeerenburg/ ) {
        return ( 79.66, 11.00 );
    if ( $Name =~ /se point of amsterdam island/ ) {
        return ( 79.66, 11.13 );
    if ( $Name =~ /danes island/ ) {
        return ( 79.66, 10.5 );
    if ( $Name =~ /magdelena hook|magdelena bay/ ) {
        return ( 79.57, 10.80 );
    if ( $Name =~ /prince charles foreland/ ) {    # North point
        return ( 78.92, 10.57 );
    if ( $Name =~ /faro island/ ) {                # North-Eest approach
        return ( 62.37, -6.25 );
    if ( $Name =~ /flamborough head/ ) {           #
        return ( 54.12, -0.08 );
    if ( $Name =~ /dumblelow/ ) {
        return ( undef, undef );
    if ( $Name =~ /blakeney/ ) {                   #
        return ( 53.0, 1.01 );
    if ( $Name =~ /land not in sight/ ) {
        return ( undef, undef );
    if ( $Name =~ /land sbw/ ) {
        return ( undef, undef );
    if ( $Name =~ /foul island shetland/ ) {
        return ( undef, undef );
    die "Unknown location $Name";

Converted observations